Sunday, April 28, 2013

Here we go!

Well, I decided to try my hand at blogging again.  Many years ago, ahem it was really only about 5 + years ago, before Facebook and Twitter were in every home, I had a blog to post pictures and updates about my family.  I live in California and the rest of my family is in Lousiana and Michigan.  Once I entered into the world of Facebook, it seemed to be an easier, faster way to share pictures of my own family with my far away friends and family.  So, here I am many years later, remember it's only been 5 years, trying my hand at another blog.

Why am I doing this?  I am currently, soon to be unemployed again (more on that later), a full time teacher, Spanish student, wife and mom of two.  I don't have time for this.  Well, I've also jumped into the world of Pinterest.  Still not sure how Pinterest is going to make my life easier or at least more interesting.  I did think I'd like to share my own photos of home and craft projects and my parties.  So, looks like I need a blog or something to link back to.  I've always liked sharing my ideas, but haven't really been able to find a willing audience from my FB friends.  So here's hoping someone other than my mom reads this blog and find it interesting, helpful, inspiring, or some other adjective.

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